Bathurst Correctional Centre Extension

The Bathurst Correctional Centre expansion entails upgraded facilities, relocated amenities, and 220 new maximum security cells, bolstered by essential infrastructure.

Project Overview

Aitken Civil's contribution to the project was multifaceted, showcasing their expertise across various domains. From the initial stages of bulk earthworks and meticulous detail excavation, they sculpted the landscape with precision, laying the foundation for the project's success. Their skillful installation of block and concrete retaining walls not only provided structural support but also added aesthetic value to the environment.

The engineering prowess of Aitken Civil was further evident in the installation of stormwater drainage systems, ensuring efficient water management and safeguarding against potential hazards. Their construction of flexible and rigid pavements established robust transportation networks, facilitating seamless access to the site.

Additionally, Aitken Civil's utilization of advanced techniques such as Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) for in-ground concrete tanks exemplified their commitment to innovation and durability. They navigated the complexities of hazardous waste removal, including asbestos and lead paint, with meticulous care, adhering to stringent environmental regulations.

Furthermore, Aitken Civil's expertise extended to the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of council roads, seamlessly integrating the new development into the existing infrastructure. Through their comprehensive approach and unwavering dedication to quality and safety, Aitken Civil played a pivotal role in shaping the success of the project.

Project Gallery