Epping West Public School

The upgrading of Epping West Public School, conducted within an operational facility, demanded utmost sensitivity to minimize disruptions. This intricate process was managed through meticulous stages and stringent controls.

Project Overview

Aitken Civil navigated the intricacies of upgrading Epping West Public School, operating within an operational school facility with heightened sensitivity to minimize disruptions. Their approach involved meticulous planning and implementation of stringent controls to ensure a seamless process amidst complex stages.

Commencing with the demolition of existing structures, Aitken Civil prioritized safety while clearing the site, setting the stage for subsequent upgrades. Their expertise in asbestos and hazmat removal and remediation ensured a secure environment for all stakeholders involved in the project.

Careful consideration was given to tree removal and protection works, preserving the natural surroundings while facilitating necessary enhancements. Site clearing and bulk earthworks were executed with precision, shaping the terrain to accommodate new structures and features.

Detail earthworks, including pad footings and delicate handling of exposed sandstone walls, demonstrated Aitken Civil's commitment to maintaining the site's integrity. Temporary access ways and diversions were thoughtfully planned to minimize disruptions to school operations.

From the construction of essential infrastructure such as an On-Site Detention (OSD) tank and stormwater drainage systems to the enhancement of external pavements and public domain areas, Aitken Civil's comprehensive approach and meticulous attention to detail were instrumental in the successful upgrade of Epping West Public School, ensuring a conducive learning environment for students and staff alike.

Project Gallery